We don’t fit the mould of the normal industry standards, we use our “we’ve done it before” attitude to help us do it better, to take it more seriously, to improve, to use the knowledge positively for the client, not to make a bigger profit.
We’re different because we combine the two very opposite faces of the industry and create the ultimate offering by doing so. We bring skills and insights from historically incompatible approaches: Wayne from design and build and Lee from the more traditional approach.
That blend of inventiveness and rigour gives us the ability to work with you as collaborators. Two teams working towards the same shared outcome.
We are brave with total honesty and provide accurate and realistic advice, whatever the client might want to hear.
We are brave with total honesty and provide accurate and realistic advice, whatever the client might want to hear.
We are brave with total honesty and provide accurate and realistic advice, whatever the client might want to hear.
We’re always looking for talented people to join our team